Chrysanthi Micheiili


Micheiili’s bio:

Mechiili is an international student at John Jay majoring in Forensic Psychology, and she is expecting to graduate in Spring 2023. Mechiili was born and raised in Athens, Greece. She is a (wannabe) writer and poet and wishes to one day publish something of her own.

An excerpt from Micheiili’s personal synthesis essay:

I do not consider myself a minimalist and I don’t think I will ever truly be one. I like things. I like keeping mementos of various times in my life. Like a seashell that my father gave me when I was 9, or a piece of paper that has a little quote that someone wrote me once. I enjoy having little pieces of my life just laying around. Old photographs, a gift from my beloved mum or my dad’s old sweater from 25 years ago, a necklace that I stole from my teenage sister, or a toy that my 4 year old sister gave me to remember her bye when I left home and moved to New York. My whole life is just a bunch of different pieces and I love that. As I go I shall try to be more of a minimalist, because I truly believe in its power, but hey no promises.

The rest of this essay is housed in Micheiili’s full portfolio.


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